A mouse is seen in a house. Albert's Termite & Pest Control is a Mouse Exterminator.

Call The Mouse Exterminator East Peoria IL Trusts

Got a mouse in the house? Nobody likes a mouse as a roommate, and you probably want him evicted – pronto! The mouse exterminator East Peoria IL trusts is Albert’s Termite & Pest Control.

How Can I Keep Mice From Getting Into My Home?

Mice can famously squeeze through an opening the size of a dime, so keeping them out is a challenge. But it’s a good idea to do all you can to make it harder for them to gain access. Here are some tips to try:

  • Hunt for and seal all cracks in your home’s exterior.
  • Seal the openings around all doors and windows with tight-fitting screens and weather stripping.
  • Use tight-fitting screens and appropriate weather stripping.
  • Inspect your house for broken windows, damaged sills or siding and foundation cracks. Fix as needed.
  • Seal or screen over any gaps around pipes. Do the same around all venting.
  • Install new flashing, if needed, to keep mice and other pests from climbing up your siding and getting into your attic.

What Can I Do To Make My Home Less Inviting To Mice?

Obviously, you never want to “invite” the mice in. You want to make it clear they are not welcome! Our technicians can identify potential problems during their visit. Here are some suggestions to help keep mice out:

  • Never leave uncovered food sitting out. This includes pet food. Keep it in containers mice cannot gnaw through. Metal and glass containers are best.
  • Always practice good sanitation and housekeeping.
  • Check around the exterior of your home. Remove any piles of debris, stones, bricks, etc. around your home that could serve as shelter for rodents.
  • Cover your trash cans with snug, metal lids. Remember, mice and other rodents can gnaw through plastic.
  • If you have pet and bird food, store it in tightly sealed glass or metal containers.
  • If you have a compost container, elevate it at least 1 foot off the ground so it’s a less welcoming food source for rodents.
  • Fallen fruit or nuts attract pests. Pick up around fruit trees during the season.
  • Consider what items you might have in your garage, such as lawn seed, tulip bulbs and bone meal. Place these items in rodent-proof containers.
  • Remove ivy, trim shrubs, elevate firewood and keep bushes away from the home’s foundation.

How Does A Mouse Damage A House?

Unfortunately, mice and other rodents can cause a lot of damage. Because their teeth never stop growing, they feel a never-ending need to gnaw … and they just may gnaw on your wiring, drywall or other parts of your home.

Mice are seen in a house. Albert's Termite & Pest Control is a Mouse Exterminator in East Peoria IL.

Do Mice Really Spread Disease?

Unfortunately, yes. Mice are not just an annoyance, but are also potentially harmful to your health. Like other rodents, mice may carry disease, including the hantavirus and salmonella.

Are You Ready To Live In A Mouseless House?

If you don’t want rodents as your roommates, give us a call and we’ll take care of it for you. The mouse exterminator East Peoria IL trusts is Albert’s Termite & Pest Control. Give us a call today at 309-685-1464.

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