• General Pest Control

    We offer Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Quarterly, Tri-Annual, Bi-Annual and Annual Pest Control Service and Maintenance. *We also offer plans for people who want service during the warmer months only.

    Unlike some Companies that require an in home inspection before quoting you a price for Pest Control and Maintenance, we can do that over the phone with you providing us with a little information about your home and what kind of pest problem you are having… That way we are able to keep our prices competetive, by not having a salesperson come to your house before the technician does.

    We do not require a lengthy contract that ties you into a service that you may not need. Especially when you think the problem is under control after just a few months of service. We do offer maintenance program to keep the problem from reoccuring, which only needs a verbal OK from you, the customer.

  • Termite Inspections

    We offer Termite Inspection for Real Estate Closings. This includes but is not limited to Conventional Lending, refinancing, FHA, VA and RD loans. Inspections include all the necessary forms at a very reasonable price.

    We also offer FREE Termite Inspections and Quotations for Individuals who already have a Termite Infestation…

  • Termite Control

    Right now termites are on the attack. They could be right next door. They could already be in your home. In fact, if you don’t think you had a termite problem, you wouldn’t be reading this. Where you live, termites are a threat you live with. Every single year, they inflict $2 billion in damage all across this country. When it’s “your” property that’s part of this statistic, that’s when it really hits home.

    Mind you, there are plenty of products that promise solutions, from instant fixes to slow acting baits.

    Unfortunately, none of them are TERMIDOR.

    *TERMIDOR is 100% effective against termites. No excuses. No exceptions.

    *It’s been more exhaustively tested than any termiticide in history.

    *TERMIDOR data shows why they are the industry leader in liquid treatment

    *TERMIDOR’s unique ingestion, contact, and ‘transfer effect’ manages colonies in 3 months or less.(Baits cannot claim this!)

    *TERMIDOR can manage colonies 2-6 times faster than bait systems.

    *TERMIDOR is a responsible, low-dose treatment, with NO odor.

    *Only trained, TERMIDOR certified professionals can apply the product.


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