Real Estate Termite Inspections

termite inspection

Termite inspections are important, especially when you’re closing on a house. Termite damage can oftentimes far exceed home damage caused from tornadoes or even floods, and homeowner insurance policies rarely cover it. Although a house may look charming from the outside, you can’t know the true structural integrity of the home without examining whether or not termites are gnawing at its foundations.Obviously, the presence of termites would change the nature of the purchase. The seller would either need to fix the problem before the sale, or they’d need to lower the purchasing price to account for the damage accrued by the termite infestation.

Type of Termite Inspections?

termite inspectionAll termite inspections performed by our technicians use the necessary forms for the inspection and charge reasonable prices for their work. See what types of termite inspections we perform:

Conventional lending
FHA, VA & RD loans
And more!

Do you qualify for a FREE termite inspection?

Albert’s Termite & Pest Control offers free inspections and quotes for individuals who already have a termite infestation.

Think you’re safe from termites? Think again.

Myth: You only find termites in the South.
Fact: While most of the 41 species of termites live in the southeastern United States, Alaska is the only state where termites have not been found.

Myth: A brick house on a concrete slab is safe from termites.
Fact: Termites can construct tunnels through cracks in concrete. Thus, a concrete slab does not eliminate wood-to-ground contact. Because most homes have a wood frame, termites can work their way in no matter how a house is separated from the soil.

Myth: Termites die or are removed when builders clear forests to make room for new development.
Fact: Most termites nest underground. When termite colonies lose their food supply to developers, they seek out new food sources – usually the wood from the newly developed homes.

Contact Us

For reliable termite inspections in Peoria, Washington, Dunlap, Pekin, East Peoria, Metamora, Germantown Hills, Morton, or in the rest of the Tri-County area, contact us today.

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